Port with year round living

Got some good news the other day. We got a reply from Nörra Yacht clubb that they do not mind if someone lives there year round. This is good news. The bad news is, they could not say when a place would become available. So it could be 1, 2 or more years :-( But the tone sounded like within a couple of years, a spot could become available. This gives us a little time to find the boat we want. We have already decided to sell our Range Rover. We will be sad to see it go but I sure we will get over it quickly once we get our boat :-)

Finding a port to live year round in

I am not sure how it is in other parts of the world, but here in Sweden, it seems like they do not want anyone living on their boat year round. I live Malmö and have contacted almost all the ports within a resonable distance to Malmö. All of them say basically the same thing.

No we do not allow year round living. The season is from April to October. You can have you boat in the water year round or pull it out for winter.

That seems a little strange to allow you to have your boat in the water year round, but not be allowed to live on it during the winter.

Without be able to live year round on the boat, creates a big problem with us wanting to sell everything and live on one. There's got to be a port that allows this somewhere here in the southern part of Sweden.